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3 Signs Your Business Needs Better Social Media Management
By Jose Roman in Social Media

As a scrappy new business owner, you have had a teenage relative handling posting to your social media when you first started. But now that your business has grown, you need a more effective way to reach your current and future customers -- especially since around 90% of consumers use social media to communicate with businesses. From bakeries and mechanics to insurance agencies and clothing retailers, all organizations need a responsive social media presence. If you don't, you'll be losing potential customers. But what are some signs your business could use better social media management? Take a look below. You may have once found success with a single platform and a few hashtags, but now, your posts are getting lost and you can't handle all of the different channels. This is where a social media management agency comes in. A social media manager can create daily posts that encourage consumer engagement, which can help you stay at the top of everyone's feed. Since algorithms change so frequently, social media agencies stay on top of them and keep your posts current. Your social media posts were once all about highlighting your products, but now you want to add in positive reviews. By utilizing a social media management agency, you can integrate your customer reviews into your posts as a way to show that you communicate with your customers. Your social media management team will be able to highlight your charitable contributions in a way that works with the core message of your company and attracts new customers. Having a solid team to make sure that all your social media has the same theme and helps build your brand. Your social media account will be a way to reach customers and won't become a liability. When you're busy running your business, it may feel impossible for you to keep up with the social media landscape. If you aren't posting regularly, then you're falling behind. By hiring a social media management agency, you'll get back that time and increase your customer reach. Now that you can recognize when it's time to invest in social media management, you'll know what your next step should be. For more on how we can help take your social media presence to the next level, please get in touch with our team today.You Have Outgrown Your Original Posting Strategy
Your Content Has No Cohesive Messaging
You Just Don't Have Time
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